As was thinking about what to write about for my midterm blog for my Newspaper class, I started thinking of ideas and concepts that I thought were really important to me. The first thing that popped into my mind was marriage. I believe that marriage is something God created to carry out his plan for his people. Genesis 2:24 says, "For this reason man should leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." Marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman and they become bound together as one. The rings that a husband and wife both wear signify they belong to somebody. They also represent a never ending love with the design of the ring. A circle never ends it goes around and around forever and never strays from its path. When in the bounds of marriage a man and a wife can be sexually active, to make something beautiful together that God has created. In this day and age marriage is not respected like it should be. Statistics show that 74% of all citizens get divorced each year. Couples get married young, abstinence is not respected and marriage is not seen in the light that it should be seen in. With the elections occurring now marriage is involved in some of them. Prop 8 is a popular thing that people are considering either voting for or against it. Yes on Prop 8 protects the rights of family and marriage. God's original design was for a man and a woman to become one flesh not two males or two females. Gay marriage goes against God's whole human design. The bible clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman. In chapel today, October 31, 2008, the speaker was talking about how in creation God created woman from man and for man so they can be fruitful and multiply. Even in the new testament Jesus refers back to the scripture in Genesis about how man and woman become one flesh together. He also talked about how God placed the government in place to do the good of the people and how the government is trying to define marriage when God has already defined marriage in the bible. Marriage has been an established fact since the day man was created. The government is trying to define marriage as something that it is not. Even though the decisions rest with the people in the end, the government should know that marriage has been since the beginning of time. God has created marriage as a beautiful thing that happens between a man and a wife and in the relationship of marriage, creation of new life can happen. With prop 8 being a big deal to the United States and with so many people having strong opinions on this topic, I am looking forward to see the outcome of this proposition in the upcoming election. I would like to see God in the hearts of this country and see that they value what God has designed and created. Marriage is an important foundation of many things including sex, childbirth, God’s design and many other principles. Marriage should be between a man and a woman and should be a lifelong commitment that is holy and sanctified through Christ.
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Friday, October 31, 2008
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